Trails to Tsukiji

Trails to Tsukiji - Season 3 Episode 14 Sansho

2019-03-20 28 minutes.
0.00 0 votes

Season - Episode

5 Season 5 Jan 09, 2019
4 Season 4 Jan 03, 2018
3 Season 3 Jan 02, 2017
2 Season 2 Jan 06, 2016
1 Season 1 Apr 01, 2015


This time, we put the spotlight on the Japanese spice sansho. The intense spiciness of sansho is enough to numb one's tongue, but unlike normal pepper, it actually comes from a citrus fruit. The refreshing aroma of the spice has made it a popular ingredient for desserts in recent years. Join us as we learn the best ways to incorporate this unique Japanese spice into a meal directly from sansho producers.

Popularity 1.132
Language English, Japanese