The story revolves around the Pontevedrian embassy's efforts to prevent a wealthy young widow from marrying a foreigner and taking her fortune out of her own country, which would result in impoverishing it. [final episode]
by Franz Lehar, in the English version by Christopher Hassall
staged by David Adams with members of the National Ballet Company of Canada.
Helena Scott ........... Anna Glawari
David Atkinson ........ Count Danilo Danilovitch
Natalia Butko ........... Olga
William Cole ............ Vicomte Cascada
Alan Crofoot ............. Raol St. Brioche
Alexander Gray ......... Pritschitsch
Bernard Johnson ....... Bogdanowitsch
Tom Kneebone .......... Njegus
Andrew MacMillan ...... Baron Zeta
Harry Mossfield ............ Kromow
Frank Porretta .............. Camille De Rosillon
Marie Gauley ............... Valencienne
Jacqueline Ivings
Lawrence Adams